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Father Michael J. McGivney Guild










Father McGivney is a unique model for today's Catholic and today's Catholic priest because of his attention to the social ills and injustices of his day and his collaboration with the laity. He was zealous for the life of union with God through prayer and the sacraments, and he would have been right at home in today's world. He was then and would be today an eager apostle for the Gospel of life, and a determined foe of the culture of death.

Membership in the Guild is open to anyone who wishes to share in this mission of making known the life and work of Father McGivney and of encouraging devotion to his memory. All one need do is fill out an application form, email or mail it to become enrolled. There is no charge to enroll, but donations are gratefully accepted (tax-deductible receipt for your donation will be issued).

The Guild is anxious to receive reports of favours received through Father McGivney's intercession. It is not only miracles that are required to move the cause forward, but witnesses to the power of the servant of God's prayers before the throne of God.

As a member of the Guild you will receive a newsletter and periodic updates on the progress of the cause for canonization. Welcome to the Guild! We ask your prayerful support that God's will be done and that the Spirit guide us at each step along the way.

For any questions or further information, contact Bro. Hans Fadum (250-754-1694).

Supreme Council's Fr. McKinney Guild webpage
To join the Guild, click the following link:
Online registration form 


The Order of the Knights of Columbus has established The Father McGivney Guild to promote the cause for canonization of our founder, Father Michael J. McGivney. The goal of the Guild is to spread the good word about his holiness of life, to encourage devotion to his memory, and to seek his intercession before the throne of God. The Guild serves as a clearinghouse for information about Father McGivney, his life and works, and any favours attributed to his intercession.

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